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Les derniers hôtels enregistrés

George Test Tropolino
Situé à Bucarest, à seulement quelques pas du centre, George Test Tropolino est un luxueux hôtel de 3 étoiles. Il dispose de piscine..
Flamingo Hotel Pelion
Situé à Chorefto, à seulement quelques pas de la plage, Flamingo Hotel Pelion est un impressionnant hôtel de 3 étoiles. Flamingo Hotel..
Forest Glade Hotels
Situé à Pamporovo (4.3 km), Forest Glade Hotels est un hôtel bien entretenu. Il comprend piscine extérieure (de saison), sauna / bain..

Service à la Clientèle (version anglaise)

Finding a place to stay
How can I find a place (hotel, apartment, hostel, etc) to stay?
Can Guestus help  with special events, corporate events, honeymoons, etc?
Making a booking
How does the booking process works?
How do I know my booking is confirmed?
Can I ask the hotel specific questions or special requests?
What includes the price?
Can I contact the hotel directly?
Can I contact you if it is a problem with a booking?
Why do you need my credit/debit card details?
Do you charge a credit/debit card fee?
Does the card holder needs to be present at check-in?
When I will pay?
Is Guestus charging any fee/commission for making a booking?
How can I submit my feedback?
How can I cancel my booking?
If I cancel my booking I have to pay a cancellation fee?
Can I cancel a Non-refundable / Prepaid booking?
How will I know if my booking was cancelled?

Finding a place to stay

How can I find a place (hotel, apartment, hostel, etc) to stay?
You can search hotels by destination; if you already know your dates, just enter the dates and the number of persons for which you need accommodation. If you just make plans and want to browse through the hotels complete list in a city, just check 'No dates' and you will see all hotels in the chosen destination.
The more specific you are, the simpler the search becomes and you will be sure to book the perfect place for you. Just use the filters which combines a variety of criteria, including type of property, number of stars, budget and specific amenities.
Can Guestus help  with special events, corporate events, honeymoons, etc?
Absolutely. We can find the perfect place for you. Some are perfect places for group celebrations - weddings, parties, family reunions, small business seminars and photo shoots. Others are the idyllic honeymoon destinations. If you need further advice just ask our experts.
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Making a booking

How does the booking process works?

Once you decided which hotel you would like, just enter the number of rooms which you need and click 'Book now' button. Your booking requirements will be displayed and you can specify the number of persons for each chosen rooms. Now you are ready to send the final booking, by clicking 'Submit reservation'. Your booking is now finalized You will receive in few minutes  a confirmation email.

How do I know my booking is confirmed?

After you finish your reservation, a confirmation page will be displayed, with full details , the booking number and your PIN code, based on which you can access your confirmation online at "My booking". As well, an email containing all details will be sent to your email address. Please be careful when you type your email address. Due to anti-spam filters, please look after our email in Spam/Junk folders as well.
Can I ask the hotel specific questions or special requests?
Absolutely. Any questions or special requests can be entered in the free text message box for each of the requested rooms, on the reservation form. The hotel will personally reply to your query.

What includes the price?

We show the average price/day and the total price for your entire stay. The rate is per room and it includes all taxes & any other fees, meal if indicated and anything else which is specified under each room description (i.e: free parking, free Internet Wi-Fi). The local city tax might not be contained in the price.

Can I contact the hotel directly?

After you confirm your booking, you will receive all contact details of the hotel (full address, email address, phone number and GPS information).

Can I contact you if it is a problem with a booking?

Yes, you are welcome to contact us if there is a technical or any other type of problem with your booking. Our contact details are given when you make a booking. However, questions about the property should be addressed directly to the place in question, not to us.

Why do you need my credit card details?

We only request credit card details to confirm your booking with the hotel on your behalf. We will never charge your credit card.
In most cases you'll book now and pay the hotel at check-in or check-out. However, payment will only be taken if you fail to arrive at the hotel and you have not cancelled your booking, or you fail to cancel your booking within the terms of the hotel's cancellation policy. The cancellation policy can be found under "Room details" and "Hotel policies".
Some hotels do offer "Non-refundable/Prepaid" rates, which usually means a lower special rate. These rates will be charged to your card at the time of booking and cannot cancelled or amended. Your card is debited directly by the hotel - not us. Always check the properties cancellation policy and room details before you book.

Do you charge any credit card fees?

Guestus does not take any payment from you at all, this is done by the hotel. Some hotels do charge a credit card fee so check the individual hotel's description or cancellation policy for more info.

Does the card holder needs to be present at check-in?

No, is not neccesay for the card holder to present at check-in. Guestus takes the card details just to secure the booking, which are then communicated to the hotel. Payment is taken by the hotel either during your stay or at the time of booking. So if you've not paid before your stay, you may choose to settle your bill with a different credit / debit card when you're there.

When I will pay?

Usually, you will pay at check or check-out, depending on the hotel policy. Your credit card is used only to secure the booking.
In some cases, if a room is marked "Non-refundable/Prepaid", the hotel will debit directly your card in the moment in which your reservation is confirmed.

Is Guestus charging any fee/commission for making a booking?

No. We do not charge any extra fee/commission when you are making a reservation. The rate which you receive is final and is the amount which you will pay at hotel.

How can I submit my feedback?

After your stay, you will receive an email asking you for your comments and ratings, in order to help other people to make a better and informed choice.
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How can I cancel my booking?

You can cancel your booking online, going to "My booking", where you have first to provide the booking ID and PIN.

If I cancel my booking I have to pay a cancellation fee?

If you fail to cancel your booking within the terms of the hotel's cancellation policy, a cancellation fee will be charged on your credit card by the hotel. Usually you can cancel your booking with 24 hours before your arrival date. Please check what policy the hotel has and if they charge you a fee or not. As well, the detailed cancellation policy can be found in your reservation email. Please note that for rooms marked "Non-refundable/Prepaid" the policy could be different

Can I cancel a Non-refundable/Prepaid booking?

No, you can not cancel "Non-refundable/Prepaid" bookings, because of their special low rate and the charges will be as specified by the hotel's policy.

How will I know if my booking  was cancelled?

After you cancel your booking online, using "My booking", you will receive a cancellation email to confirm it. Please check your Inbox and Spam/Junk folders; if you don't receive it, please contact us.
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